Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Training Weekender Day 3 - Todmorden to Oldham

Distance: 19 miles
Ascent: 950m ish
Weather: clag
Bunnies, lapwing, curlew, crows, jackdaws, flocks of others possibly starlings, mallards, goldfinch

We were well looked after at the Staff of Life Inn, as usual ate too much.

We left just before 10am out into the light drizzle, which became claggier as we climbed up the hillside up Robinwood Hill and around Todmorden Edge. Up by the wind turbines we could hear the blades rotating but barely see even the bases of the turbines, only brief glimpses when the clouds thinned momentarily.

It remained mostly dry all day, the dampness of being in clouds rather than rain but the grass was very wet, therefore shoes, socks and trouser legs were wet through. We even managed to find some proper bog up on Dobbin Hill.

Dry socks were put on when we stopped for lunch at the rat bench* at Hollingworth Lake, feet staying reasonably dry along the track under the motorway and over to Ogden Reservoir. We met a friendly horse and some cows up near the cattery, and then came home via the track complete with more friendly horses and up to the co-op.

*bench with a big carved rat-badger-mammal-type-thing  on it, not an actual live rat.

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